She was five and I was six
We rode on horses made of sticks
I wore black and She wore white
I would always win the fight
Bang bang, I shot you downBang bang, She hit the groundBang bang, that awful soundBang bang, I shot my baby down
Seasons came and changed the time
And I grew up, I called her mine
She would always laugh and say
"Remember when we used to play?"
Bang bang, You shot me downBang bang, I hit the groundBang bang, that awful soundBang bang, You used to shoot me down
Now She's gone, I don't know why
And till this day, some times I cry
She didn't even say goodbye
She didn't take the time to lie
Bang bang,, I shot you downBang bang, She hit the groundBang bang, that awful soundBang bang, I shot my baby down
ترانه مغروف bang bang اثر Cliff Richard رو از اینحا دانلود کنید.
این پست واسه این بود که قبل از اینکه لپ تاپ Dell Latitude D630 که برای برادرم گرفتم از پیشم بره عقده آپ کردن وبلاگ با این ماشین نازنین برام بمونه! واقعا لپ تاپ نعمتی! اینکه از هر جایی بتونی کارات رو انجام بدی!
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